Thanksgiving Day Luncheon – 2021

Come celebrate the Water Festival Vartavar, sponsored by Ladies’ Society of St. Sarkis Church of Santa Clarita on Sunday, July 11th, 2021, following Divine Liturgy.
On Saturday, June 12th, St. Sarkis Saturday Armenian School held its Annual “End of the Year Recital.” Even with COVID-19 conditions presented as an obstacle, the recital was a success yet again. As this years classes were presented in a virtual format, both students and teachers exerted extra effort in their studies. All school curriculum was followed and the concepts of Armenian culture, history, language, reading, writing were in constant review, stating fresh and prominent in students minds. Students were overjoyed to step foot on school grounds and spend time with peers. Students, parents and school staff are looking forward to face-to-face classes at the beginning of next year!
Please join us as we celebrate our beautiful mothers!
Sunday, May 2nd , 2021 @ 1:00 p.m.
From the Armenian Church Youth Organization World Central Office.
Teach for Armenia educational foundation offers a two-year Leadership Development Program aimed at providing access to an excellent education for all children across the country. Through teacher leadership, we help to ensure that educational excellence and opportunity reaches every child across Armenia.