St. Sarkis Winter Festival Gallery – 2021

On December 11, 2021, St. Sarkis Armenian Church held a “Winter Festival,” sponsored by the Parish Council. The purpose of this event was to introduce the growing Armenian community in SCV to the church and each other. There was an amazing turn out. Activities included jumpers, arts and crafts, a silent auction, a Santa photo shoot, and more. There were about a dozen vendors selling their products, along with food, dessert and beverages on sale. The event was a great success and is planned to be held twice annually. 

TFA Leadership Development Program

From the Armenian Church Youth Organization World Central Office.

Teach for Armenia educational foundation offers a two-year Leadership Development Program aimed at providing access to an excellent education for all children across the country. Through teacher leadership, we help to ensure that educational excellence and opportunity reaches every child across Armenia.

Please see attached documents for details.